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09.02.2024 / Erste Group Research

Manufacturing leading indicators are brightening

Starting from very low levels, the mood among key leading manufacturing indicators in the Eurozone brightened noticeably in January. An improvement in sentiment was also clearly evident in the US in January.

The data at least shows that the downturn in industry, which has now lasted for two years, has clearly lost momentum. In our view, this increases the likelihood of a gradual recovery in industrial activity over the course of 2024. In this context, the significant rise in orders in German industry in December gives us additional hope.

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Základní informace

AutorErste Group Research
Název produktuWeek ahead
Hlavní témaMakro/Úrokové sazby
Zaostřeno na ekonomikuEurozóna, Spojené Státy
Zaměřeno na měnuAmerický dolar, Euro
Zaměřeno na sektor-

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