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1592 výsledků hledání

Aktuální analýzy

Datum NadpisZdroj
10.06.2022enRomania | Muddling through, inflation is bliss for fiscal consolidation Erste Group Research
10.06.2022enInflation above expectations againErste Group Research
10.06.2022enMay CPI inflation broadly in line with expectationsErste Group Research
10.06.2022enHighlighted problems in automotiveErste Group Research
09.06.2022enKey rate at 2.50%Erste Group Research
08.06.2022enInflation gained more speed in MayErste Group Research
08.06.2022enWe revise upwards our economic growth forecast to 5.1% in 2022 Erste Group Research
08.06.2022enSupportive basis effect backed the productionErste Group Research
07.06.2022enHousehold consumption in 1Q22 surprised to the upside Erste Group Research
06.06.2022enIndustrial output revised downwardsErste Group Research
03.06.2022enRetail remained very strong in AprilErste Group Research
03.06.2022enSlowing retail sales on high statistical base effect Erste Group Research
03.06.2022enRetail sales in line with expectationsErste Group Research
02.06.2022enOne-week depo rate stands at 6.75%Erste Group Research
01.06.2022enBosnia and Herzegovina | Economic rebound overshadowed by political risksErste Group Research
01.06.2022enAlmost all the branches contributed to the growthErste Group Research
31.05.2022enMNB did not slow the pace of effective hikesErste Group Research
31.05.2022enNo surprise: 50 bp hike in MayErste Group Research
31.05.2022enRetail up 6.9% y/y in AprilErste Group Research
31.05.2022enIndustry expanded, albeit below expectationsErste Group Research


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