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02.07.2024 / Erste Group Research


DARS is Slovenia´s national motorway operator, 100% owned by the Republic of Slovenia.

With a balance sheet total of roughly EUR 5.2bn, in 2023, net sales advanced by 6% to EUR 525mn while net earnings grew by 4% to EUR 141mn. Credit ratios continued to improve.

Out of total financial debt of EUR 1.5bn, bank loans accounted for roughly EUR 1.2bn, bonds and promissory notes for EUR 256mn with maturities until 2037. Debt issues of DARS have been secured by a limited guarantee of the Republic of Slovenia (A3/AA-/A).

ESG risks closely correlate with the legal mandate, transparency is supported by sustainability reporting pursuant to GRI since 2017.
Standard & Poor’s rates DARS at A+ with stable outlook, assuming an extremely high likelihood of support from the Slovenian government.

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Základní informace

AutorErste Group Research
Název produktuCredit News
Hlavní témaPodnikové dluhopisy
Zaostřeno na ekonomikuSlovinsko
Zaměřeno na měnuEuro
Zaměřeno na sektor-

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