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Japanese Yen (exchange rate)

Bid Ask
15.2370 CZK 16.0180 CZK
100 JPY = 15.6280 CZK
1 CZK = 6.39877 JPY
Difference -0.79% (-0.12)

General attributes

Exchange rateCS Exchange rate
Exchange over the counter Czech Republic
Security typeCurrency

Market data

Bid (Bid size)15.2370 JPY
Ask (Ask size)16.0180 JPY
Open15.6280 JPY
High15.6280 JPY

Performance and Risk

Perf (%)+1.14%+0.05%-20.55%
Perf (abs.)+0.18+0.01-4.04

Futures and Options

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Related Options-
Scale: ABS REL         Instrument

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Performance since inception. Performances under 12 month have only little informative value because of the short maturity. Information about previous performance does not guarantee future performance.
Source: Česká spořitelna, a. s.

Price data

Ø price 5 days | Ø volume 5 days (pcs.)15.7822 JPY (0)
Ø price 30 days | Ø volume 30 days (pcs.)15.8177 JPY (0)
Ø price 100 days | Ø volume 100 days (pcs.)15.3768 JPY (0)
Ø price 250 days | Ø volume 250 days (pcs.)15.2686 JPY (0)
YTD High | date16.2350 JPY (2024/08/05)
YTD Low | date14.4270 JPY (2024/07/04)
52 Weeks High | date16.2350 JPY (2024/08/05)
52 Weeks Low | date14.4270 JPY (2024/07/04)

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