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Prémiový dluhový cenný papír CHEMICALS AUTOCALL


Date: 2024/07/16 00:00:00
Bid Ask
95.97 -
Difference 0.57% (0.55)

General attributes

Type of bondStructured bonds and notes
Bond stylesenior
Issuer typefinancial institution
Country of issueLU
Current coupon-
Coupon stylevariable
Coupon payment date2025/12/22
Coupon payment periodat maturity
Value date2022/12/22
Repayment value0.00
Nominal value10,000
Accrued Interest-
Yield to maturity p.a. (before capital gains tax)-
Investor tolerance6 (scale 1-7)
Last trading day2025/10/24

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The chart is composed of values which are the arithmetic average values of bid / ask (MID) from previous working day. Performances under 12 month have only little informative value. Information about previous performance does not guarantee future performance.
Source: Česká spořitelna, a. s.
Advantages Details you should be aware of
What does the PDCP CHEMICALS AUTOCALL offer?
  • Possibility to obtain an attractive yield of up to 48% in 3 years.
  • PDCP CHEMICALS AUTOCALL can be automatically repaid early already after the first year of its duration or the following year if at the date observation date the individual underlying shares are on or above the valid barrier for early repayment.  
  • Interesting barrier level of 55% of the initial value (see Note 2) of the underlying shares of companies such as – Albemarle, Linde and Nutrien for payout of the nominal value of PDCP CHEMICALS AUTOCALL at it maturity date. 
  • Additional protection mechanism for payout of the nominal value of PDCP CHEMICALS AUTOCALL at its maturity date.  
  • Barrier for automatic early repayment decreasing over in time: 90% (after a year), 80% (after two years).
  • PDCP CHEMICALS AUTOCALL is issued in Czech crowns, the investor does not bear the currency risk.  
  • Electronic version of the Basic Prospectus is published on the Issuer´s website   http://prospectus.socgen.com/,  or on  ww.investicnicentrum.cz/prospekty. 
  • Electronic version of the Notification of Key Information is published on the website  https://regulatory.sgmarkets.com/
    /priips/kid, or you can find it on the investment portal  www.investicnicentrum.cz.
Please note that the target market of this investment instrument is listed below. If you do not meet any of the listed parameters, you may be outside the specified target market!
The target market defines the set of investors (retail clients) for whom the investment product is intended.
This investment product  is intended for investors who:
  • have sufficient knowledge and/or experience regarding structured products and shares.
  • seek investment profit
  • are able to accept a level of risk that is in accordance with the risk indicator of the product specified in General attributes.
  • In the event of an unfavorable development of the investment, they are able to bear the possible loss, which is ilustrated by performance scenarios, see Key Information Document (KID).
  • are interested in holding the product until the maturity specified in General attributes.
This investment product is not intended for investors (negative product target market), who:
  • do not have sufficient knowledge regarding structured investment instruments and shares
  • are unable to bear the loss of invested funds indicated in the Key Information Document (KID) in the event of an unfavorable development of the investment
The client's compatibility with the product's target market will be evaluated during the purchase process.
  • PDCP CHEMICALS AUTOCALL does not guarantee a return on the invested amount and the investor could lose the whole investment or part of it. 
  • The holder of PDCP CHEMICALS AUTOCALL bears the issuer´s and guarantor´s credit risk.

    You will find more information in the leaflet.
  • Description

    PDCP CHEMICALS AUTOCALL with the option of automatic early repayment provides an opportunity to gain an attractive annual yield of 16% (see Note). The total yield for its three-year duration may then reach up to 48%.
    The payout of both potential yield and nominal value of the PDCP CHEMICALS AUTOCALL is derived from the price trend of shares of three significant companies focusing on the chemical industry – Albemarle, Linde and Nutrien. PDCP CHEMICALS AUTOCALL moreover enables its early repayment during growth and limited decline of the underlying shares already after the first year of its duration.  
     The chemical industry significantly contributes to the development of the global economy. It provides key deliverables to other industrial sectors such as engineering, construction industry, consumer industry and is also a crucial supplier for agriculture. Erste Bank Group analysts positively rate the future prospects of all three monitored companies Albemarle, Linde and Nutrien. 

    • Issuer: SG Issuer SA 
    • Guarantor: Société Générale SA (Standard & Poor's A /Moody's A1 / Fitch A)
    • Underlying shares: Albemarle Corp, Linde PLC and Nutrien Ltd 
    • Subscription period: 1 December 2022 (12.00)–15 December 2022 (23.59)
    You will find more information in the leaflet.

    Payment notes

    How does the PDCP CHEMICALS AUTOCALL work?
    • The payout of potential yield and nominal value of the PDCP CHEMICALS AUTOCALL depends on the market trend of shares of companies such as Albemarle, Linde and Nutrien.
    • For its duration the PDCP CHEMICALS AUTOCALL can be automatically paid out early, if the value of each individual underlying share at the monitoring date equals or is higher than the comparative value of the underlying share at the relevant observation date.
    • If the automatic early repayment condition is not met, the PDCP CHEMICALS AUTOCALL continues to the next date of possible repayment. 
    • If the PDCP CHEMICALS AUTOCALL is automatically repaid early, the investor shall receive its nominal value and a yield of 16% (see Note) for each year that elapsed since the issue date.  
    • If the automatic early repayment is not made and at the date of fixing the closing value of the individual underlying shares the price of any of the shares does not fall below the barrier of 55% of their initial value, the nominal value of PDCP CHEMICALS AUTOCALL and the total yield of 48% (equivalent of three annual yields of 16 % (see Note)) shall be paid out at the maturity date. 
    • If the automatic early repayment is not made and at the date of fixing the closing value of the individual underlying shares the price of at least one of the underlying shares falls below the barrier of 55% of its initial value and at the same time the closing value of any of the remaining shares shall not be equal or higher than 100% of their initial values the payout of the nominal value of  PDCP CHEMICALS AUTOCALL shall be decreased by the loss of the worst of the three shares since the date of fixing its initial value until the date of fixing its closing value. The investor shall incur a loss of more than 45% of his initial investment and no yield shall be paid out to him.

    You will find the principle of additional protection mechanism and examples in the leaflet. 


    • Maturity shall be 22.12.2025
    • Česká spořitelna pays out the yield and the nominal value 
    • It takes three working days to settle the buying and selling of the Premium Bond

    Secondary market

    • Minimum purchased amount: 1 piece 
    • Price for the provision of early redemption: according to the current Price List (status as at the Premium Bond issue date: 2% of the transaction volume)
    • Price at subscription: 100%, without a fee 
    • Liquidity: daily according to current market prices, indications in the Exchange Rate List of Česká spořitelna, a.s.
    Note: PDCP CHEMICALS AUTOCALL pays out potential yields in a lump sum at its early or regular maturity date, the consolidated interest bearing is not claimed. 

    Note 2: The initial value will be calculated based on the closing prices of the underlying shares on 15 December 2022.

    Note 3: You will find the precise expression of product costs in the PDCP CHEMICALS AUTOCALL Subscription Instruction.

    Note 4: Product risk weight is on scale of 1 to 7 from a potentially lower risk and yield of 1 to a potentially higher risk and yield of 7, assuming that you will keep PDCP CHEMICALS AUTOCALL until the maturity date. The real risk may significantly differ in case you sell the product prematurely.


    Albemarle Corp is a leading American company producing specialty chemicals and is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina. The origins of this company date back to 1887, when it focused above all on the production of Kraft and blotting paper. Currently this major producer of chemicals offers an extensive portfolio of products such as plastics, polymers, elastomers, cleaning products, photographic chemicals or agricultural fertilisers. Its innovative products are used in a variety of industrial branches such as construction industry, pharmacy, consumer electronics, automotive, etc. Albemarle is also a major producer of lithium, which is widely used in the production of various types of electric batteries. The increasing demand for lithium is due to the current boom of electromobility, which can bring interesting potential. Albemarle employs more than 5,000 people in 100 countries worldwide.
    Linde PLC – the history of this multinational German company began as far back as 1879, when Carl von Linde founded an enterprise specialising in the development and production of refrigeration equipment. Nevertheless, its major role was always the production of industrial gases. The product portfolio is enhanced by the crucial production of medicinal gases, which hold an irreplaceable role in healthcare. Linde is also one of the biggest producers of hydrogen which is ranked among alternative sources of energy. It enables customers to make their production more effective and reduce the environmental burden in various areas of business. The company employs about 72,000 people in more than 100 countries worldwide.
    Nutrien Ltd – this Canadian company, specialising in the production of chemicals used in agriculture, is headquartered in Saskatoon in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. It is the biggest producer of potash and the third biggest producer of nitrogen fertilisers in the world. Potash (potassium carbonate) is used as a fertiliser in agriculture, but is also widely used in industry, for example, in the production of glass and soap. It is an ingredient of washing powders and also of pharmaceuticals. Nutrien annually supplies over 27 million tons of potash, nitrogen and phosphates, endeavouring to support and cope with the high demands on yields of agricultural production, which is rising significantly in view of the world’s growing population. The company employs more than 23,000 people worldwide.


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