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2024/10/15 / Erste Group Research

NET4GAS: Acquisition by ČEPS provides financial security

NET4GAS holds an exclusive license as gas transmission system operator in the Czech Republic. It operates a pipeline network of more than 4,000 km with a capacity of over 50bcm. In 2023, group revenue plummeted by 76.8% to CZK 3,005mn and the volume of gas transported was only 10bcm (vs. 31bcm in 2022 and 52bcm in 2021). This was due to the payment default of the previously largest customer, Gazprom Export.

In December 2023, fully state-owned electricity transmission system operator ČEPS acquired 100% in NET4GAS. This had a positive impact on the credit rating, financial security and guidance. In the future, NET4GAS is set to play a key role in national strategic considerations for the modernization of the energy sector and the safe exit of coal in the Czech Republic.

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General information

AuthorErste Group Research
Product nameCredit News
Topic in focusCredits/ Corporate bonds
Economy in focusCzech Republic
Currency in focusCzech Koruna
Sector in focus-


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