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Date HeadlineSource
2024/12/02enVeröffentlichungen der BIP-Komponenten in der gesamten RegionErste Group Research
2024/12/02enGDP structure releases across the regionErste Group Research
2024/11/25enEreignisreiche Woche in den meisten CEE-LändernErste Group Research
2024/11/25enEventful week in most of the CEE countriesErste Group Research
2024/11/17enUngarische Zentralbank bleibt in WartestellungErste Group Research
2024/11/17enHungarian central bank to remain on holdErste Group Research
2024/11/11enInflation und BIP-SchnellschätzungenErste Group Research
2024/11/11enInflation and flash GDP numbersErste Group Research
2024/11/03enParade der Zentralbanken in der RegionErste Group Research
2024/11/03enParade of the central banks in the regionErste Group Research
2024/10/28enErste Daten zum BIP-Wachstum im dritten QuartalErste Group Research
2024/10/28enFirst data on GDP growth in the third quarterErste Group Research
2024/10/21enUngarische Zentralbank will geldpolitische Lockerung aussetzenErste Group Research
2024/10/21enHungarian central bank to pause monetary easingErste Group Research
2024/10/15enEndgültige Inflationszahlen und HandelsdatenErste Group Research
2024/10/13enFinal inflation numbers and trade dataErste Group Research
2024/10/07enRate cut in Serbia and four rating decisionsErste Group Research
2024/09/30enCentral banks’ meetings and flash inflationErste Group Research
2024/09/22enCentral bank’s meetings in Czechia and HungaryErste Group Research
2024/09/16enIndustry, producer prices and labor market dataErste Group Research


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