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2024/01/26 / Erste Group Research

Eurozone inflation and US Fed in focus

A flash estimate of inflation in the Eurozone for January will be published next week. Due to the annual adjustment of the weighting of the individual components in the basket of goods as well as other factors the assessment is subject to a high degree of uncertainty. We expect inflation to fall slightly.

The FOMC, the body of the US Fed that decides on monetary policy, meets also next week. A change in key interest rates is certainly not on the agenda. The question is whether the FOMC or Powell will give more concrete indications of interest rate cuts or whether the statements will remain essentially unchanged and therefore cautious.

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General information

AuthorErste Group Research
Product nameWeek ahead
Topic in focusMacro/ Fixed income
Economy in focusEurozone, United States
Currency in focusEuro, US Dollar
Sector in focus-