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2023/09/29 / Erste Group Research

Rising bond yields and US government shut down

The sell-off on the bond markets that began at the end of July continued in September. In this environment the short-term assessment difficult. In our view, however, the current high yields are on thin ice. Essentially, they are based on the continuation of the solid US economy. For us, however, the downside risks for the US economy are substantial.

It looks at the moment as though there will once again be a government shutdown in the US. The US Congress has until Saturday midnight to agree at least on transitional funding for the public budget (continuing resolution) to get more time for negotiations on the budget. In a shutdown, "non-essential" activities will cease.

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General information

AuthorErste Group Research
Product nameWeek ahead
Topic in focusMacro/ Fixed income
Economy in focusEurozone, United States
Currency in focusEuro, US Dollar
Sector in focus-