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2021/12/20 / Erste Group Research

CEE Special | Labor markets in COVID times under scrutiny

Despite the overall robustness, COVID has left traces on CEE labor markets beyond total unemployment rates. Visible differences arise when we look under the lid of the aggregate – women vs. men, youth vs. total population as well as varied developments across sectors.

The pandemic has shaken up economies across the world, with labor markets also bearing signs of the restrictions associated with COVID-19. Fortunately, relatively swift government measures helped cushion the negative impact on employment and fiscal packages prevented household incomes to be dented. We have thus witnessed only modest increases in unemployment rates across CEE, which have started to gradually decrease in light of continuing economic recovery and new measures of dealing with the infections.

Despite the overall robustness, there are noticeable differences when we look under the lid of the aggregate – women vs. men, youth vs. total population as well as diverse developments across sectors of the economy. Throughout the pandemic, women have remained worse off than men. Both the peak level during the pandemic as well as the latest October unemployment rates are mostly higher for women.

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General information

AuthorErste Group Research
Product nameCEE Economies Special Report
Topic in focusFX, Macro/ Fixed income
Economy in focusCEE
Currency in focus-
Sector in focus-