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2019/08/20 / Erste Group Research

Issuer Profile | Raiffeisenlandesbank Vorarlberg

RLB Vorarlberg defines itself as a regional universal bank. As the central institution of the Raiffeisen banks of Vorarlberg it provides central services for the sector's credit institutions on the primary level and receives their surplus liquidity, which provides the bulk of its funding. In addition, the company has issued a number of bonds. In recent years the volume of the bank's mortgage cover pool was gradually expanded and reached a total of EUR 2.2bn in Q2 2019. 100% of the cover assets are located in Vorarlberg, with 75% of the loans consisting of residential mortgage loans. Since the end of 2016 Moody's assigns a rating of 'Aaa' to the program.

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General information

AuthorErste Group Research
Product nameCredit News
Topic in focusCredits/ Corporate bonds
Economy in focusAustria, Eurozone
Currency in focusEuro
Sector in focus-