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2019/07/25 / Erste Group Research

Credit Markets Weekly | It’s the ECB’s move now

Leading economic indicators have been weakening for months. Thus the manufacturing purchasing managers' index for Germany declined to the weakest level in seven years in July. However, contrary to the usual market response, credit spreads have tended to tighten up until now. The main drivers of this trend were hopes for an agreement in the US-China trade dispute and recently above all expectations that central banks will once again ease monetary policy. It is open to question whether these high investor expectations will be fulfilled either on Thursday (ECB Council meeting: 25 July) and/or on Wednesday next week (FOMC: 31 July).

Special topic of the week:

- OeBB-Infrastruktur: S&P affirms rating of AA+, stable

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General information

AuthorErste Group Research
Product nameCredit News
Topic in focusCredits/ Corporate bonds
Economy in focusAustria, Eurozone
Currency in focusEuro
Sector in focus-