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2024/07/15 / Erste Group Research

CSSD market 1H 2024: Schuldschein market gives way to bond market once again

In 1H 2024, just under EUR 10bn was issued as corporate Schuldscheindarlehen in around 65 transactions. This corresponds to a decline of around 30% and is primarily due to the increased relative attractiveness of the bond market.

Austrian issuers only accounted for 9% of the total volume, two Czech companies from the CEE region placed SSDs, while Switzerland took second place behind Germany in the country ranking for the first time. In the sustainability segment, the two trends already observed in 2023 continued: a falling ESG share and a rising share of green SSDs within the ESG segment.

For 2024 as a whole, we expect an issue volume of EUR 20bn, but in any case below the previous year's level (EUR 25bn).

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General information

AuthorErste Group Research
Product nameCredit News
Topic in focusCredits/ Corporate bonds
Economy in focusEurozone
Currency in focusEuro
Sector in focus-