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2024/10/18 22:26:24
14.36 EUR
Difference 0.70% (0.10)

General attributes

Security typeStock
Market cap (m)40,750 EUR
BenchmarkCAC 40 INDEX

Market data

Bid (Bid size)14.315 EUR (370)
Ask (Ask size)14.40 EUR (370)
Open14.225 EUR
High14.40 EUR
Low14.185 EUR
Close (prev. day)14.26 EUR
VWAP14.30347 EUR
Volume (pcs)5,631
Trading volume80,542.83
Number of trades46
Last size1

Futures and Options

Related Futures35
Related Options-

PDF Downloads

Company report: CRÉDIT AGRICOLE S.A.PDF Download

Scale: ABS REL         Instrument

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Information about previous performance does not guarantee future performance.
Source: FactSet

Recent research

2024/10/18 22:26:24
14.36 EUR
Difference 0.70% (0.10)

General attributes

Security typeStock
Market cap (m)40,750 EUR
BenchmarkCAC 40 INDEX

Market data

Bid (Bid size)14.315 EUR (370)
Ask (Ask size)14.40 EUR (370)
Open14.225 EUR
High14.40 EUR
Low14.185 EUR
Close (prev. day)14.26 EUR
VWAP14.30347 EUR
Volume (pcs)5,631
Trading volume80,542.83
Number of trades46
Last size1

Performance and Risk

Perf (%)+3.32%+25.02%+11.92%
Perf (abs.)+0.46+2.87+1.53
Scale: ABS REL         Instrument

Add Benchmark:

Information about previous performance does not guarantee future performance.
Source: FactSet

Price data

Ø price 5 days | Ø volume 5 days (pcs.)14.13 EUR (5,477)
Ø price 30 days | Ø volume 30 days (pcs.)14.04 EUR (5,071)
Ø price 100 days | Ø volume 100 days (pcs.)13.75 EUR (7,256)
Ø price 250 days | Ø volume 250 days (pcs.)13.44 EUR (8,390)
YTD High | date15.98 EUR (2024/05/20)
YTD Low | date12.12 EUR (2024/02/13)
52 Weeks High | date15.98 EUR (2024/05/20)
52 Weeks Low | date11.09 EUR (2023/10/27)

Arbitrage views

Exchange  DateTimePriceTrading volume (mio.)Number of trades
Xetra2024/10/1817:1014.29 EUR0.023
Vienna Stock Exchange2024/10/1815:3014.365 EUR0.004
Tradegate2024/10/1822:2614.36 EUR0.0846
Stuttgart2024/10/1815:4714.32 EUR0.0010
SIX Swiss Exchange2019/05/2717:3111.72 CHF0.013
Munich2024/10/1817:2514.305 EUR0.003
London Stock Exchange European Trade Reporting2024/10/1817:3014.3175 EUR0.002
Hanover2024/10/1817:2514.305 EUR0.004
Hamburg2024/10/1817:2514.305 EUR0.004
Frankfurt2024/10/1812:5114.35 EUR0.011
FINRA other OTC Issues2024/10/1821:3215.82 USD0.025
Euronext Paris2024/10/1817:3514.315 EUR64.535,170
Euronext Milan MTF Trading After Hours2024/10/1518:3813.71 EUR0.001
Euronext Milan MTF Global Equity Market2024/10/1817:4414.31 EUR0.037
Duesseldorf2024/10/1808:1014.20 EUR0.003
Berlin2024/10/1821:5214.35 EUR0.0017

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Contact Details

- -
12 place des États-Unis - 92127 Montrouge
Telefon: +33-1-43-23-52-02
Fax: +33-1-43-23-13-65
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PDF Downloads

Company report: CRÉDIT AGRICOLE S.A.PDF Download

Company Profile

Crédit Agricole SA engages in the provision of banking and financial services. It operates through the following segments: Asset Gathering, Large Customers, Specialised Financial Services, French Retail Banking-LCL, International Retail Banking, and Corporate Centre. The Asset Gathering segment includes insurance activities of Crédit Agricole Group companies, asset management activities of the Amundi Group, and wealth management activities conducted by Indosuez Wealth Management subsidiaries. The Large Customers segment focuses on corporate and investment banking, and asset servicing. The Specialised Financial Services segment provides financial products and services to individual customers, small businesses, corporates, farmers, and local authorities in France and abroad. The French Retail Banking-LCL segment offers banking products and services, together with asset management, insurance, and wealth management products. The International Retail Banking segment encompasses international subsidiaries and equity investments that are mainly involved in Retail Banking. The Corporate Centre segment covers corporate centre function, asset and liability management, management of debt connected with acquisitions of subsidiaries or equity investments, and the net impact of tax consolidation. The company was founded on November 5, 1894 and is headquartered in Montrouge, France.

Members of Management Board

Philippe BrassacChairman of Managing Board
Alexandra BoleslawskiMember of Executive Committee
Bénédicte ChrétienMember of Executive Committee
Eric CamposMember of Executive Committee
Gerald GregoireMember of Executive Committee
Giampiero MaioliMember of Executive Committee
Jean Paul MazoyerMember of Executive Committee
Jérôme GrivetMember of Executive Committee
Laurence RenoultMember of Executive Committee
Martine BoutinetMember of Executive Committee
Nicolas DenisMember of Executive Committee
Olivier GavaldaMember of Executive Committee
Serge MagdeleineMember of Executive Committee
Stephane PriamiMember of Executive Committee
Valérie BaudsonMember of Executive Committee
Veronique FaujourMember of Executive Committee
Xavier MuscaMember of Executive Committee

Board of directors

Dominique LefèbvreChairman of Supervisory Board
Alessia MoscaMember of Supervisory Board
Agnès AudierMember of Supervisory Board
Carol SirouMember of Supervisory Board
Catherine UmbrichtMember of Supervisory Board
Christine GandonMember of Supervisory Board
Christophe LesurMember of Supervisory Board
Corrado PasseraMember of Supervisory Board
Eric VialMember of Supervisory Board
Eric WilsonMember of Supervisory Board
Guillaume MaitreMember of Supervisory Board
Hughes BrasseurMember of Supervisory Board
Jean-Pierre GaillardMember of Supervisory Board
José SantucciMember of Supervisory Board
Louis TercinierMember of Supervisory Board
Marianne LaigneauMember of Supervisory Board
Marie-Claire Simone DaveuMember of Supervisory Board
Nicole GourmelonMember of Supervisory Board
Olivier AuffrayMember of Supervisory Board
Olivier DesportesMember of Supervisory Board
Pascal LheureuxMember of Supervisory Board
Pascale BergerMember of Supervisory Board
Pierre CambefortMember of Supervisory Board
Raphaël AppertMember of Supervisory Board
Sonia Bonnet-BernardMember of Supervisory Board


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