Sporoinvest PLUS

This share class PLUS of the fund can only be purchased in the Investing PLUS scheme, see the Price List for Investing.

Performance goal and investment strategy
The fund’s performance objective is to outperform the yields of deposit bank products. This is a bond mutual fund of very short-term investments. The fund is suitable for investors, who want to achieve a better return than in term deposits with the knowledge that they can suffer even a minor loss in the negative development of interest rates. The fund’s portfolio particularly consists of bonds with a variable or fixed coupon, which in most cases are bought with the intention to hold them until maturity. The fund also invests in treasury bills and bank deposits or in bonds with an embedded derivative. The fund also invests in securities denominated in foreign currencies while the currency risk is managed actively. The recommended investment horizon is 1 year and longer. To more experience investors the fund may play the role of an investment product for the temporary parking of money, without the knowledge of the time horizon of its further use.• The differences in the expense ratios are primarily due to the absence of an incentive for PLUS share classes. Another cost driver may also be the allocation of costs specific to the share class (e.g. bank charges).The net performance of the share class is then further affected by interest income and expenses or tax. The difference in share class performance may vary for these reasons.
Performance (2024/10/10)
(% p a)
(% p a)
(% p a)
(% p a)
since inc.
(% p a)
Perf 4.00 2.50 5.92 4.78 - - 2.99
Annual performance in % (2024/10/10)
Period 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Perf - 0.81 -0.83 3.93 6.81
Minimum & maximum performance in % p.a. (2024/10/10)
The full names of the open-ended mutual funds and complete product information are provided in the statutes (prospectuses) of the funds. The information stated herein is of the nature of a promotional message. The information stated in this message is not an investment recommendation or investment advice since it does not take into account the specific situation of specific investors. The value of the financial instruments may rise and fall, while there is no guarantee of a return on the originally invested amount. Past performance is no guarantee of the same performance in a future period. A visitor to this website may be outside the target market of the financial instruments stated herein. We recommend that you consult your specific investment plan with an expert advisor who will verify that the planned investment will be commensurate with your knowledge and experience, that it will be in accordance with your needs, characteristics and goals, financial circumstances or relation to risk, and will familiarise you with all possible risks of a specific investment opportunity.