Prémiový dluhopis GLOBAL 3

ISIN: AT0000A34D73  

2024/07/16 00:00:00
Bid Ask
117.55 -
Minimum yield -
Difference 0.00%(0.00)
General attributes
Type of bond Structured bonds and notes
Bond style senior
Issuer type financial institution
Country of issue AT
Current coupon -
Coupon style variable
Coupon payment date 2027/06/30
Coupon payment period at maturity
Yield to maturity p.a. (before capital gains tax) -
Value date 2023/05/15
Maturity 2027/06/30
Repayment value 100
Currency CZK
Nominal value 10,000
Capital gains tax -
Accrued Interest -
since inception

Performance since inception. Performances under 12 month have only little informative value because of the short maturity. Information about previous performance does not guarantee future performance.
Source: Česká spořitelna, a. s.
Advantages Details you should be aware of
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An interesting yield potential  of up to 40% in four years with a return of a minimum of 100% of the nominal value (see Note) of PD GLOBAL 3 at its maturity.   
The strength of the global economy affects the general prosperity of a society. You can share in it thanks to Prémiový dluhopis GLOBAL 3, whose yield depends on the development  the STOXX Global 1800 index. This share index follows the markets of advanced countries and  can be characterised by a broad diversification. Currently it includes about 1,800 stock titles (shares) (600 from Europe, 600 from North America and 600 from Asia and Oceania) which are represented in the index according to their market capitalisation. The index portfolio is represented by significant American technological companies such as Apple, Microsoft, NVIDIA, Alphabet or by shares from healthcare sector– UnitedHealth Group, Johnson&Johnson. Currently the technological sector dominates the composition of the index at 21%, while a strong position is also held by health care at 13% and industry at 13%. In terms of regional structure it is American companies have the biggest representation (at about 66%), followed by Japan (at about 7.5%) and Great Britain (at about 4.4%). The composition of the index is reviewed on a quarterly basis and its volatility is not restricted or controlled. This mechanism can generate an interesting potential for products of this type with a guaranteed return of a min. of 100% of the nominal value (see Note) at the maturity date.   

  • Issuer: Erste Group Bank AG 
  • Underlying asset: STOXX Global 1800 Index USD
You will find more information in the leaflet.
Payment notes

How does PD GLOBAL 3 work?

  • Final yield of a four-year PD GLOBAL 3 depends on the development of the global STOXX Global 1800 share index.
  • On 15 June 2023 the initial value of the underlying asset will be fixed. 
  • The underlying asset is observed annually. Each year its value is recorded on the observation date. 
  • The average value of the underlying asset is calculated from these four values obtained during the observation. This is compared with its initial value. 
  • The total amount of the payout at maturity is calculated: 100% of the nominal value of PD GLOBAL 3 + participation of 150 % × (average value of 4 observations of the underlying asset/initial value – 1), however a minimum of 100% (see Note) and a maximum of 140%. 
  • Even if the price of the underlying asset falls, thanks to the guarantee a minimum of 100% of the nominal value (see Note) of PD GLOBAL 3 is paid out at maturity. 
  • For the duration period of PD GLOBAL 3 its price may fall even below 100% of its nominal value with regard to the development of the underlying asset and market conditions.
  • The maximum yield amount is fixed at 40% of the nominal value of PD GLOBAL 3 for the period of its duration, i.e. for 4 years.
  • The regular annual observation and averaging of the obtained values of the index partly protects the investor from any sharp fall of prices of the observed underlying asset just before maturity. The total yield not only depends on the closing value of the observed underlying asset, but also on the ongoing value of the underlying asset of PD GLOBAL 3 on observation dates in previous years. However, regular observations can also reduce the final yield (if, for example, the underlying asset increases just before maturity). 
You will find examples of scenarios at maturity in the leaflet.
  • The maturity of Prémiový dluhopis is 30 June 2027
  • The yield and nominal value is paid out by Česká spořitelna
  • The settlement of the buying and selling of Prémiový dluhopis takes 2 working days
Secondary market
  • Minimum purchased amount: 1 piece
  • Selling price: 100%, no fee
  • Liquidity: daily according to current market prices, indications in the Česká spořitelna, a. s. Exchange Rate List
  • Price for early redemption: according to the current Price List (balance at the bond issue date: 2% of the transaction volume)

Note: A 100% payout of the nominal value depends on the issuer being able to meet its commitments tied to PD GLOBAL 1 in case of insolvency or due to an administrative measure, as well as whether you keep PD GLOBAL 3 until the maturity date. If you decide to sell PD GLOBAL 3 before its maturity, there is no guarantee that you will receive 100% of the nominal value. 

Note 2: The risk weight is on a scale of increasing values from 1 to 7, where value 1 is the potentially lowest risk and yield, and value 7 the potentially highest risk and yield, provided that you keep PD GLOBAL 3 until the maturity date. The actual risk may differ substantially if you sell prematurely. The risk weight of the product is a guideline for comparing the rate of risk of PD GLOBAL 3, in comparison with other products. It shows how likely it is that you will lose money as a consequence of stock market movements or that the issuer is unable to meet its commitments. 

Note 3: You will find the exact expression of product costs in the PD GLOBAL 3 Subscription Instruction.

In the period before maturity, the bond price can fluctuate above and below the bond face value depending on the development of the interest rate and underlying asset. A bond can ben sold even before the maturity date, for the price pursuant to the pricelist of the issuer. Our consultants will give you detail information on the advantages and risks of investment in bonds. The information sources used are generally regarded as reliable, although Česká spořitelna and Erste Group Bank AG cannot guarantee the correctness and completeness of the information contained therein. The aim of this web page is to give information on the services and products contained therein; it is not a binding proposal establishing any rights and obligations for participants. All information you can find here is of informative nature only. Before using the web page for investment, a specialized Česká spořitelna consultant should be consulted.