Prémiový dluhopis RESPONSIBLE 3

ISIN: AT0000A2KV20  

2024/09/18 11:10:00
Bid Ask
95.47 -
Minimum yield -
Difference 0.12%(0.12)
General attributes
Type of bond Structured bonds and notes
Bond style senior
Issuer type financial institution
Country of issue AT
Current coupon -
Coupon style variable
Coupon payment date -
Coupon payment period at maturity
Yield to maturity p.a. (before capital gains tax) -
Value date 2020/11/12
Maturity 2026/12/17
Repayment value 100
Currency CZK
Nominal value 10,000
Capital gains tax -
Accrued Interest -
since inception

Performance since inception. Performances under 12 month have only little informative value because of the short maturity. Information about previous performance does not guarantee future performance.
Source: Česká spořitelna, a. s.
Advantages Details you should be aware of
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Interesting yield potential of up to 40% in six years with a minimum return of 100% of the nominal value (see Note) of PD RESPONSIBLE 3 at the date of its maturity.

ESG is the key “investment theme” for Prémiový dluhopis RESPONSIBLE 3. Its yield depends on the trend of the Solactive ERSTE Green Invest Index VC global index, which is diversified into six underlying assets – ESG stock (USA, Europe, Japan, Emerging Markets) with a 60% weight of the portfolio and ESG bonds (corporate and corporate high yield bonds) accounting for 40% of the portfolio. The individual assets in the index portfolio are represented by the ETF (exchange traded funds) iShares from the reputable company BlackRock. The portfolio is so robustly diversified from thousands of the company’s shares and bonds which meet the strict ESG criteria of the MSCI SRI indexes (Socially Responsible Investment). The control of the portfolio’s volatility stabilises the yield and limits the loss during slumps on markets when the set algorithm targets 7% volatility and compares it with the historical volatility of the monitored portfolio. At high volatility this mechanism reduces exposure to dynamic assets and transfers funds to the money market.

  • The issuer is Erste Group Bank AG (S&P's A / Moody's A2 / Fitch A)
  • Underlying asset: Solactive ERSTE Green Invest Index VC

For more information see the leaflet.

Payment notes

How does PD RESPONSIBLE 3 work?

  • The yield of six-year PD RESPONSIBLE 3 depends on the development of the global Solactive ERSTE Green Invest Index VC index.
  • The initial value of the underlying asset shall be fixed on 10 December 2020.
  • The underlying asset is monitored annually. Each year its value is recorded on the monitored day.
  • The average value of the underlying asset is calculated from these 6 values acquired during individual days of observation. This is then compared to its initial value.
  • The total amount of the payout at maturity is calculated: 100% of the nominal value of PD RESPONSIBLE 3 + 50% participation × (average value of 6 observations of the underlying asset/ initial value – 1).
  • Even with a greater fall in the underlying asset at least 100% of PD RESPONSIBLE 3 nominal value (see Note) is always paid out at maturity thanks to the guarantee.
  • For the duration of PD RESPONSIBLE 3 its price may fall even below 100% of its nominal value with regard to the development of the underlying asset and market conditions. 
  • The maximum amount of the premium is fixed at 40% of the Premium Bond nominal value for the duration of PD RESPONSIBLE 3, i.e. for 6 years.
  • Regular annual observation and averaging of the acquired index values partly protect the investor from any sharp fall of prices of the monitored underlying asset just before maturity. The total yield does not depend only on the closing value of the monitored underlying asset, but on the continuous value of the underlying asset throughout the duration of PD RESPONSIBLE 3. However regular observation can also reduce the resulting yield (if for example there is a rise in the underlying asset just before maturity).

You will find examples of scenarios at maturity in the leaflet

  • The maturity date of the Premium Bond shall be on 17 December 2026
  • The disbursement of the yield and nominal value shall be conducted by Česká spořitelna
  • Liquidity: daily according to current market prices published in the Exchange Rate List of Česká spořitelna, a.s.
  • It takes 3 working days to settle the buying and selling of the Premium Bond
Secondary market
  • Minimum purchased amount: 1 piece
  • Selling price: 100%, without a fee
  • This premium bond can only be sold on the market, the price the client sells listed in the exchange rate list is only indicative.
  • The price for procuring the sale is determined by the valid price list, it currently amounts to a maximum of 0.5% of the trade volume.


Note: The payout of the guaranteed amount depends on the issuer and guarantor being able to meet their guarantee commitments.
Note 2: The product risk rate weight is on a scale from 1 to 7 from a potentially lower risk and yield of 1 to a potentially higher risk and yield of 7 provided that you keep the product until the maturity date. The real risk may significantly differ in case you sell the product prematurely. The product risk weight is a guide for a comparison of the risk rate of this product compared with others. It shows how likely it is that you can lose money as a consequence of a movement on the markets, or because the issuer will be unable to pay out the money.
Note 3:
 You will find the precise expression of the product costs in the Instruction for Purchase of PD RESPONSIBLE 3

In the period before maturity, the bond price can fluctuate above and below the bond face value depending on the development of the interest rate and underlying asset. A bond can ben sold even before the maturity date, for the price pursuant to the pricelist of the issuer. Our consultants will give you detail information on the advantages and risks of investment in bonds. The information sources used are generally regarded as reliable, although Česká spořitelna and Erste Group Bank AG cannot guarantee the correctness and completeness of the information contained therein. The aim of this web page is to give information on the services and products contained therein; it is not a binding proposal establishing any rights and obligations for participants. All information you can find here is of informative nature only. Before using the web page for investment, a specialized Česká spořitelna consultant should be consulted.