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2024/06/26 / Erste Group Research

Increased volatility on the credit market expected

The heightened nervousness on the financial markets eased slightly last week. This also put an end to the widening trend in risk premiums on corporate bonds for the time being. However, spreads are still at an elevated level.

We expect volatility to persist for the time being, as the parliamentary elections in France are likely to continue to influence the financial markets.

The still higher financing costs are weighing on issuers with low credit ratings in particular and are leading to a higher speculative default rate. This is likely to fall gradually over the next 12 months, which is in line with the easing of the ECB's interest rate policy.

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General information

AuthorErste Group Research
Product nameCredit News
Topic in focusCredits/ Corporate bonds
Economy in focusAustria, Eurozone
Currency in focusEuro
Sector in focus-