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2024/06/05 / Ceska Sporitelna Research

EU News Monthly June 2024

The European Commission has published a new forecast for the EU economy, with a more upbeat scenario for consumers. After a downturn in economic activity in 2023, inflation rates will continue to drop and the EU economy should gradually grow in 2024. EU economy should grow by 1.0% in 2024. This is largely driven by consumers spending more, thanks to higher wages and more job opportunities.

At the end of May, the European Parliament hosted a debate featuring the leading candidates for the presidency of the European Commission. Elections for the European Parliament take place 6-9 June 2024.

The capacity of transport from Asia to Europe might be reduced by as much as a fifth because of difficulties in the Red Sea.

The Chinese automobile producer BYD will introduce its Seagull electric cars to Europe, selling them for less than 20,000 euros. The firm sells the car for less than 10,000 euros in China.

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General information

AuthorCeska Sporitelna Research
Product nameEU News Monthly
Topic in focusFX, Macro/ Fixed income
Economy in focusCzech Republic
Currency in focusCzech Koruna
Sector in focus-