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2022/08/29 / Erste Group Research

CEE Special | CEE progressed in meeting Sustainable Development Goals

The CEE region has progressed in meeting all Sustainable Development Goals. Looking country by country, Czechia, Croatia and Slovakia are CEE champions, progressing in all assessed categories. Hungary progressed in all categories apart from the Reduced Inequalities goal, while Slovenia moved away only in meeting the Gender Equality and Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions goals. Poland and Romania seem to lag behind their peers, progressing in two thirds of the goals that are assessed.

CEE progressed the most in meeting No Poverty, Decent Work and Economic Growth and Sustainable Cities and Communities goals. As far as the No Poverty goal is concerned, six out of seven CEE countries place above the average EU level. As far as economic development is concerned, four out of seven CEE countries do better compared to the average EU level. In particular, the situation on local labor markets is rather good. Indeed, the unemployment rate in Czechia is not only the lowest in the region, but ranks first within the EU, too. Furthermore, CEE countries improved in narrowing the gender gap on the labor market. The assessment of all the goals can be tracked on the ESG & SDG section of our website.

Climate action, including affordable and clean energy, as well as responsible consumption and production, are among the biggest challenges ahead for CEE.

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General information

AuthorErste Group Research
Product nameCEE Economies Special Report
Topic in focusFX, Macro/ Fixed income
Economy in focusCEE, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia
Currency in focusCroatian Kuna, Czech Koruna, Euro, Hungarian Forint, Polish Zloty, Romanian Leu
Sector in focus-